On-site & Remote Support
Since a longer-term business engagement is involved, Austin Computer Guys think that Managed IT should be a more personal experience. We want you to feel comfortable calling us at any time so we can resolve your IT issues as fast as possible. Our phones are open 24/7.
Monthly Flat-Rate Service
Our prices for Managed IT are based upon the scale of your business and it’s needs. These services provide our clients with unlimited Help Desk support while ensuring that all of your IT related business information is protected, managed, and available on demand.
Monitoring & Maintenance
We can detect many of the things that cause a server to go down or run poorly. With 24/7 remote server monitoring, we make sure that your server, and the invaluable information that resides on it, remains constantly monitored, maintained, and protected.…………….
Austin Computer Guys Covers The Entire Spectrum of Managed IT Services
24/7 Remote & Onsite Support
Network Monitoring & Management
Email Support & Spam Filtering
User Profile Management
Network Policy Enforcement
IT Project Management
Remote Monitoring
Remote Access
On-site & Remote Data Storage
Network Security & Antivirus
System Updates
User Training
We manage your entire IT systems at a fraction of the cost of having a full or part time hire. Our managed IT services are future-proof, bringing you controlled costs and expertise.
Austin Computer Guys believes that a proactive approach to Managed IT saves time, money, and a lot of frustration caused by reacting to problems once they’ve manifested. By preventing these problems we can focus on improving and updating your IT system for maximum efficiency and performance, rather than merely fixing what’s broken.